Sat, Jun 08
Loving as Loved: Loving Well | June Virtual Event
Express God's Love As and Because Loved
Time & Location
Jun 08, 2024, 8:45 AM – 5:30 PM EDT
About the Event
Our Loving the Jesus Way series is designed to help you deepen your daily experience of being loved by God and equip you to love people well.
Loving as Loved is the name of our first module, which has two parts. This event is for the second part, Loving Well, which specifically helps you express the love you have experienced in words and actions throughout your daily life and in your worship gatherings. Â It has two sessions which have teaching, time for personal engagement, and touchpoint groups. In our touchpoint groups, trained facilitators guide you through activities that grow your capacity to be loved and to love others as you have been loved first.
Required Materials
- Loving as Loved: Loving Well GuidebookÂ
Event Sessions:
Saturday AM: Log on at 8:45 am
Session Two: Spoken
Experiencing God's Love through Words
Touchpoint Activity: Love Verses
Saturday PM: 1:30 pm
Session Three: Measure
Dismantling the Conditional Mindset
Touchpoint Activity: Measuring Stick Prayer
First Loved is a donor-supported nonprofit ministry and at the end of this event, we will invite you to give a gift or become a financial partner to help us with future ministry.
8 hours 45 minutesSaturday Schedule