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Loving as Loved

"Loving as Loved" is the first module in the Loving the Jesus Way Series. 

In this module, you will participate in transformative activities that are proven to deepen your daily experience of being loved by God and help you love others as loved. 

What will take place?

The Loving as Loved module has two parts: Being Loved and Loving Well.

Being Loved has an introductory session and two activity sessions that are designed to help you experience being loved by God through scripture and to help you identify and dismantle the things in your life that keep you from receiving and experiencing love. Loving Well has two activity sessions that are designed to help you experience being loved by God through your interactions with other people and reimagine worship as the act of loving God and loving one another.

Each session has a time for teaching, individual application, and touchpoint groups. In our touchpoint groups, led by trained facilitators, you are invited to participate in activities that grow your capacity to be loved by God and people, and to love others as you have been loved. 

Loving as Loved Event Sequence

Part One: Being Loved

Session 1: Focus
Session 2: Spoken
Session 3: Measure

Friday Evening & Saturday

Part Two: Loving Well

Session 4: Visible
Session 5: Potluck


Upcoming Events



Friday & Saturday, March 8-9


Registration closes on March 2 @ 5:00 PM EST


Saturday, April 13


Registration closes on April 7 @ 5:00 PM EST

For more upcoming events explore our Events page.

If you have any questions about our events, please contact us at

This list of events was last updated March 8, 2024

Friends On A Walk
Loving as Loved

Getting Along

Module 2:

Explore Module 2 of the

Loving the Jesus Way Series!

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