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People who are loved well, love well.

We see this truth exemplified in the life and teachings of Jesus. He loved his people and only after they had been loved first did he send them out to love others. Near the end of his ministry, Jesus said to his friends: 
“A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.

By this everyone will know that you are my disciples if you love one another.” (John 13:34-35 NIV)

The “new” part of this command is the “how” part: As I have loved you.”


To love "as loved" we all have to be loved first. Our “Loving the Jesus Way”  Series provides the structure and activities to begin a life-changing journey of experiencing being personally loved by God daily so that we can turn around and love one another as loved. 

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All throughout the year we have a collection of engaging events that take place IN-PERSON or VIRTUALLY as a part of our Loving the Jesus Way Training Series. Learn more about our upcoming events by using the button below!



With the generosity and support of people from all over the world, we have been able to make a transformational difference in the lives of countless churches, families, and individuals!

You can help us continue this important work by giving a gift today!



We invite you to join our efforts in helping people worldwide be loved! With volunteer opportunities available from wherever you are, we know there will be a perfect fit just for you to help us share this life-changing experience with others. 



"I'm going to recommend [First Loved] to several people! It gives you the tools to experience God's love for you personally through scripture and through those in your life... It was impactful! I look forward to renewing my mind through the love verses."

Kellie, Arizona

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Mailing Address

PO Box 4415,

Portsmouth, NH 03802-4415 


(978) 791-0570


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